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Empowering education

We believe in the power of teachers to inspire students and elevate our community.

NBTA Board of Directors

The Association acknowledges and celebrates the service of teachers who represent the collective voice of branches. These locally elected branch officers bring local concerns to the provincial stage, provide direction to the Association, and report back to teachers in their branches.

The role of the NBTA Board of Directors is to direct and supervise the Association’s business, property and affairs in conformity with the principles and directives of the association as appearing in the minutes of the meetings of the Directors and any General or Special Meeting of the Association; and, create by-laws respecting:

  1. the election of the Officers and Executive Committee of the Association and their duties;
  2. the appointment of an Executive Director and their duties;
  3. the management of the property and affairs of the Association and its own internal
    organization and administration;
  4. the collecting of membership fees and such other fees as are determined by a general
    meeting of the Association;
  5. the rights and privileges of associate members, honorary members and honorary life
    members in the Association;
  6. the establishment of branches of the Association, the definition of the areas within which
    such branches shall function, the government of such branches, and the election of a
    branch director(s);
  7. matters that may be deemed necessary or convenient for the management of the
    Association and the promotion of its welfare or conduct of its business.