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Empowering education

We believe in the power of teachers to inspire students and elevate our community.

NBTA Executive Committee

Each year, the Board elects five of its members to the NBTA Executive Committee.

The role of the NBTA Executive Committee is to:

  1. meet at the call of the President;
  2. direct and supervise the business, property and affairs of the Association between
    meetings of the Board of Directors, in conformity with the policies and directives of the Association and the Board of Directors as appearing from the minutes of the meetings of the respective bodies;
  3. have such further powers and carry out such other duties as may be assigned to it by the Board of Directors from time to time, and
  4. report to the Board of Directors on all actions taken and decisions made by it.
Peter Lagacy-Web


Peter Lagacy

Heidi Ryder-Web


Heidi Ryder

Connie Keating-Web

Past President

Connie Keating

Ardith Shirley-Web

Executive Director

Ardith Shirley

Kerri-Lea Ryder-Web

Kerri-Lea Ryder

Doug Bobbitt-Web

Doug Bobbitt

Laura Perry-Web

Laura Perry


Sheridan Mawhinney


Dominic Leach